In light of several recent posts about philosophy and natural science, I thought I’d link to a pair of recent strips from two of my favourite webcomics, Randall Munroe’s XKCD and Ryan Lake’s Chaospet:
The two comics together nail it all pretty well, I think. Make sure to hold your mouse cursor over each comic strip for a few seconds to get the author’s comments, too.
While I’m linking to philosophical webcomics, I should also mention Ryan North’s highly enjoyable Dinosaur Comics. Longer post coming later today.
Thanks for sharing this! And I like your blog, it has earned a spot in my bookmarks.
Also I must confess, seeing my name alongside Randall Munroe and Ryan North fills me with geeky joy.
No problem! All three of you are great for geeky philosophical humour. (Dorothy Gambrell’s Cat and Girl too, now that I think about it, in a different way.) I’m very happy you like the blog; I’d be delighted to hear your comments on any of my posts.